Auto Insurance, Are You Really Covered? In Massachusetts, auto insurance is highly regulated. This means that the types of coverage, or coverage “parts” provided by the “Standard Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy” are the same for everyone in non-commercial automobile policies. Everyone who purchases automobile insurance coverage is required to have a minimum amount of coverage […]
Car Accidents
Traumatic Brain Injury Car Accident Attorneys in Boston
Handling TBI Injuries After Auto Accidents In Boston, Massachusetts More than two million people, including more than 400,000 children, sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year in this country. Traumatic brain injuries are responsible for more than 50,000 deaths annually. Traffic accidents are a leading cause of TBI in the United States. If you […]
How to Handle an Accident with a Driver Who is Uninsured
Injured? Need a Car Accident Lawyer? Call us Now or Fill out the form on the Right. We don’t get paid unless you win! Auto insurance covers medical costs and property damage after a traffic crash, but what happens if the driver who injures in an uninsured driver? Here in Massachusetts, if a negligent driver […]
4 Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Car Accident Injury Settlement in Massachusetts
If you are injured here in the state of Massachusetts by a negligent driver, you have two options for compensation. You can settle the case out of court, or if you are not satisfied with what is offered, you may choose to file a personal injury lawsuit and have the case heard by a jury. […]
Can You Sue Someone for a Hit and Run in Massachusetts?
Here in Massachusetts, if you leave the scene of an accident where anyone has been injured, or property has been damaged, you may be charged with a crime. But if another driver collides with you and then flees from the accident scene, what should you do? And what if you become a hit and run […]