Most drivers pay an automobile insurance premium every month, but they seldom think about what happens when they need to file insurance claims. If you’re not sure how to file an insurance claim or how insurance claims work, this is a brief introduction to the topic. Every traffic accident and insurance claim is unique, so […]
Massachusetts Distracted Driving Laws
As you probably know, traffic accidents remain a leading cause of death and serious injuries. About 30,000 people are killed by a distracted driver in traffic collisions each year in this country, and approximately two million of us are seriously injured each year in crashes. Many are permanently disabled. It’s an undeniable fact that negligent […]
Increase in Boston Pedestrian Accidents
According to the Boston Herald on Wednesday, January 25th, there has been a rise in pedestrian-car accidents. If fact there were a total of 9 pedestrian accidents on Tuesday, January 17th (One pedestrian was even in a wheelchair.) This marked an 18-month high in America’s Walking City that has some fearing Boston is losing the […]
Introducing the Dean’s Cabinet at Suffolk University Law School
In June, Dean Andrew Perlman established the Dean’s Cabinet, described as a “distinguished community of loyal benefactors” who each commit $50,000 to the school and meet with Perlman to offer advice, enhance Suffolk’s profile, and encourage law school friends and colleagues to advance Suffolk’s mission. The cabinet currently has 12 alumni members. Members must pledge […]
More Pedestrian Car Accidents in Boston Last Night
There were two more pedestrian car accidents last night. According to the Boston Herald on Thursday January 26th. Two pedestrians were struck and injured by cars last night in separate, unrelated accidents, and became the latest pedestrians to become victims of car accidents in Boston. Last night a walker was hit about 7:55 p.m. near […]