Boston Personal Injury Lawyers
Why Hire a Boston Personal Injury Lawyer?
Avoid The Hassle
After an accident, you need to concentrate on getting better. However, you’ll also need to work on getting compensation. This means filling the necessary claims paperwork and following up with your insurance company or that of the party responsible for your injuries. When you bring in a lawyer to work on your case, you’ll have time to focus on your recovery and loved ones.
As the case progresses, you may want to file a lawsuit if the other party does not seem keen on offering fair compensation. Filing a lawsuit involves visiting different offices to fill out some paperwork. When you are injured, doing all the legwork of filing a lawsuit can be quite daunting. For this reason, you may want to hire a lawyer to help you.

Level The Playing Field
Personal injury cases can be quite complicated, and it is likely that the person responsible for your injuries will hire an attorney. Even if you are looking for compensation from your insurance provider, you should be ready to engage with appointed adjusters and lawyers.
When you hire an attorney to represent you, the insurance company will know that you are serious and stop playing games. Experienced personal injury lawyers know how to negotiate with insurance adjusters. Moreover, they are not afraid to pursue other options such as filing a lawsuit, especially when you have a strong case.
If you choose to engage the attorneys of the other party on your own, there is a high chance that you will be taken advantage of. Moreover, the insurance company will not take your claims seriously. However, the tables will turn when you have an attorney on your team.
Get Fair Compensation
In theory, filing a claim is supposed to be a straight-forward process. However, this is rarely the case. There are particular forms you have to fill to have a valid claim. Moreover, if you would want to take the case to court, you must follow particular processes and file your lawsuit in the correct court.
Unless you have gone to law school, you are likely to encounter various pitfalls that may deny you your right to be compensated. For example, if you file a case when the Boston statute of limitations has passed, you won’t get compensated.
A Boston personal injury lawyer understands all the legal procedures to be followed when filing a claim as well as a lawsuit. The attorney will move with speed to ensure that all the necessary papers are filled and that your rights are protected.
Experienced At Negotiations
Sometimes, the insurance company will accept liability for the accident and send an adjuster to give you an offer. At the time, you may think that the offer is fair given that your medical bills may be piling up. However, do not be quick to accept an offer, especially if you haven’t consulted an attorney.
Insurance companies know that most accident victims don’t know what they are entitled to under the law. For this reason, they try to take advantage of them, either by offering some lowball figures or outrightly refusing to honor the claims.
Most attorneys that practice personal injury law have successfully negotiated settlements for clients over the years. The attorneys know how to deal with claims adjusters and the lawyers of the insurance company. Moreover, since the lawyers understand what you are rightly entitled to, they will not settle for less. A good attorney will advise you when it’s time to take a settlement or whether you should press on and demand a higher payout.
Avoid Compensation Pitfalls
Finally, working with an attorney will help you to avoid potential pitfalls in your quest to get compensation from insurance companies.
There are many legalities that can arise when you file a claim. Moreover, if you don’t understand the law, the insurance company can use your mistakes to minimize the amount of damages to honor. For example, if you say a statement like “Well, I’m hurt but I’m feeling fine”, the company can use it to dispute that you were injured at all. This simple statement can be used to justify offering low compensation or no compensation at all.
On the same note, you can shoot yourself in the foot by failing to follow the correct procedures of filing a claim or lawsuit. For example, if you file a personal injury lawsuit in a bankruptcy court, it will be thrown out since the court has no jurisdiction over such cases. Also, skipping some filing procedures will waste time and you can end up getting caught with the deadlines of filing a claim provided for in the statutes of limitations.
Correlation Between Workplace Bullying And Personal Injury Claims
The Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) defines workplace bullying as ongoing mistreatment of one employee by at least one coworker that holds a supervisory, equivalent, or subordinate role. The WBI also defines workplace bullying as abusive conduct that is threatening, humiliating, or intimidating. Based on those definitions of workplace bullying, one can connect those actions to forms of personal injury as personal injury is a form of negligence. Some examples of workplace bullying include intentionally isolating an individual, repeatedly singing the same individual out, verbal abuse of the victim, threatening the victim with poor evaluations, mobbing, causing physical injury. These forms of bullying are caused by the negligence of another individual toward the victim and could potentially require a Boston personal injury lawyer.
One thing to consider with workplace bullying is the difference between workplace bullying and harassment. While both workplace bullying and harassment are characterized by unacceptable conduct directed toward a specific person and both can indeed happen in the workplace. However, harassment is a pattern of behavior based solely on the victim’s race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, or sexual preference.
A survey conducted by WBI found results that demonstrated that most workplace bullies are men and women are the most common victims of workplace bullying. The survey also found that there is only one bully involved in instances of workplace bullying and that most of these bullies hold higher-ranking positions. Hispanics were found by the survey to be the most targeted race for workplace bullying while African Americans followed.
The impact of workplace bullying on victims can be detrimental but also vary based on the length of time being bullied, the overall severity, and the resiliency of the victim. In many cases, victims of workplace bullying can experience post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, as well as depression which can transition into headaches, upset stomach, insomnia, aches and pains, and the inability to concentrate. Victims of workplace bullying also demonstrate a higher level of absenteeism than those who are not bullied as well as possessing difficulty to maintain healthy relationships with those outsides of work due to their experiences within the workplace.
While those who have been a victim of workplace bullying may feel there is no course of action to help them for what they have experienced, the connection of workplace bullying and personal injury claims may provide them with legal support. Unlike with some personal injury claims that are rooted in a physical injury, that is not necessarily the case with workplace bullying victims. The victims of workplace bullying who have suffered from the psychological damage that has impacted their ability to work, the psychological damage that has impacted their private life, require prolonged assistance due to mental or physical damage, or experience post-traumatic stress permanently or for a short period of time is in a position to file a personal injury claim. To be able to file a personal injury claim, the victim must be able to provide clear evidence of negligence by multiple third-party witnesses. Additionally, a diary or logging of bullying and events of harassment would provide crucial evidence in a personal injury claim case. This logging of events during the time of being bullied in the workplace will essentially serve as an additional witness that provides testimony to what the victim has experienced at exact dates and times.
Whether one suffers from psychological damage or physical damage due to the negligence of another individual from workplace bullying, the victim deserves compensation. The compensation that they can be granted stems from general damages such as pain and suffering, mental trauma, and life-changing events. Those victims may also be able to receive compensation for loss of earnings, future loss of earnings, medical expenses, and future medical expenses. Regardless of workplace bullying does not result in a physical injury that one may more commonly associate with personal injury, the damage is still being done as a result of the negligence of another individual and those suffering should be compensated for these damages and losses. For the best results in a personal injury case, victims of workplace bullying should seek the top of the line legal representation.
If an individual has been injured, mentally or physically, due to the negligence of another party due to workplace bullying, the top personal injury lawyer in Boston and New York is Parker Scheer LLP. With Parker Scheer LLP, the victim is working with a law firm that has an outstanding history of success with over 100 years of combined legal experience. Parker Scheer LLP has the skill and expertise to properly evaluate and pursue a wide variety of personal injury cases. Whether one is experiencing physical bullying or receives psychological treatment due to emotional abuse, Parker Scheer LLP is prepared to represent the victim and will fight for what the victim deserves in terms of compensation. The dedicated and experienced staff at Parker Scheer LLP is available seven days a week to answer any potential questions or offer any guidance during the victim’s time of need. Parker Scheer LLP knows what it takes to win a personal injury claim and do what needs to be done for the victim throughout the entire process.
Contact Our Boston Personal Injury Attorneys Now
If you or someone close to you has suffered an injury due to the negligence of another person or business, contact us to obtain a free case evaluation. You can expect to receive a response from one of our highly experienced Boston personal injury attorneys within hours. We can be reached seven days a week by telephone at (617) 886-0500 or by filling out the form here. There is never a fee charged to discuss your potential case and all information provided to us is maintained in strict confidence.
MA Personal Injury Questions & Answers
Do I Have a Personal Injury Case in MA?
What Will I Have to Pay To Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in Boston?
What If I Don’t Recover Anything?
Will I Have To Go To Court?
Are There Other Ways To Resolve My Personal Injury Case Other Than By Going to Court?
How Long Will My Case Take To Complete?
The Personal Injury Cases We Handle in Boston
Members of Parker Scheer’s Complex Personal Injury Group handle the following Boston personal injury cases:
Aviation Injuries/Death
Bicycle Accidents
Burn Injuries
Car Accidents
Car Accidents Involving Pedestrians
Construction Site Accidents
Dog Bites
Food Poisoning
MBTA Accidents
Medical Malpractice
Motorcycle Accidents
Negligent Security
Nursing Home Abuse
Injuries Resulting From Porch and Deck Collapse
Premises Liability
Product Liability
Sexual Harassment/Assault
Wrongful Death
Contact Our Personal Injury Lawyer for a Free Consultation Today
If you, a family member or someone you know has been injured due to the negligence of another party contact us for a free consultation at (617) 886-0500 or by filling out the form here.